jparsley photography

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2nd grade, kindergarten and a lonely mommy

Yesterday my boys started back to school after what seemed like the fastest summer ever!! The boys both LOVED school and I am happy to report no tears NONE! YAY!!

For anyone who knows me personally I was blessed to stay at home with both Eli and Ethan. I knew the day would come that my boys would be in school and I would be alone. Although I am sad, I feel a sense of accomplishment that I made it 7 1/2 years without working and that the boys turned out I think pretty awesome! As the boys start a new chapter I am too! I am learning to be more than just mommy and go back into the workforce! Don't get me wrong I LOVE to work! I started working at 14 and didn't stop until a week before Eli was born. My favorite job to date was Youth Activities Coordinator at the Housing Authority of Glasgow. I love working with children and really love working with children who have special needs. I tutored the children at the Housing Authority and it was a joy to see the improvement in their grades and their reaction to it. Did I really do much to help them with their homework? Not really.. I just gave them the extra little motivation and encouragement that unfortunately they didn't get at home. Although I am still undecided on what to do with my college hours (psychology major criminology/government double minor) I know that I want to work with children and always have wanted to. My real career goal was to work with juvenile delinquents but Kerry says no way! So to make a little extra money to finish college I am going to be a substitute teacher!! I want to test the teaching waters out to see if that is what I want to do! I am so excited! I hope to get all the work I can get!!

Back to the boys.. Here are the sweet pictures I took yesterday morning of the kiddos! I sure LOVE them and I am so proud of how well they do at school.

My big boys!!


Stephanie said...

Love the pictures...and no tears! YEA! That is great! You are going to be a great teacher....I can still remember what a great job you did as Sunday School teacher:)

Jessica M said...

Yay for no tears!!!! I hope you find just what you want to do, you will be great at whatever you choose!

Emily C said...

You will be awesome no matter what career you choose! I am behind you 110%! I love your boys and am so proud of them too! They got all of their great qualities from you, not Kerry! :) LOL! Love your whole family LOTS!!!

Susie said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog. I'm so glad to hear kindergarden went great with no tears. I'm hoping for the same tomorrow. Good luck with subbing - I hope you enjoy it!

Lesley said...

Alicia, You ARE the best little mama : ) And I can't tell you how often I stop and think that I'm so glad you and your family are right here!!! I love watching your boys grow up and seeing them around our school.

I'm so relieved that Ethan is handling it all so well. You must feel so proud that you stuck it out with him last year when he went through such a rough patch at preschool!

As for subbing - I fully expect that you will be wonderful and that you will stay busy!! If you get anxious to be at school while your waiting for those first few calls, my door is always open! (Just remember it's upstairs now though!) : )

April said...

Love the pictures, too. They are so cute. I wish Dalton and Eli were in class together, too. Maybe they will be next year. Dalton has already decided that he "has" to have Lesley again. So, if we plan it just right..

Thanks for all the comments on my blog!

DeAnna said...

So happy for Ethan (and you!) that he did so well!! I am excited for you going back to work again. I know you will miss your boys, but you will probably enjoy a change of pace too. Good Luck! :)

Carol said...

Yay for no tears. I've been checking in on both boys and they're doing great!

Brittany said...

I have two little boys too, and I can only imagine the day that they both go to school. Proud of you for staying strong. I use to be a teacher (before the boys) and I think you will like it! But remember your own classroom always goes smoother than someone else's! :)

Emily V. said...

Good to actually finally meet you the other day at TJMAXX with Meredith. I have tossed the same teaching idea around myself once my kiddos go back to school. I'm sure you will do great at whatever you chose to do.